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9 report(s) found with mode choice in the keywords field
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Food insecurity is a persistent problem in the United States that is disproportionately distributed across racial groups. Native American tribes, many located in rural areas, have high rates of food insecurity. Transportation plays a role in the limited access to food. This study focused on transportation...

This document contains a report based on two online surveys conducted by the Small Urban and Rural Transit Center (SURTC), Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute, NDSU, during the 2019 spring semester. The first survey captured the NDSU student experience with Metro Area Transit (MATBUS) and students'...

Because existing models have their limitations, there is a significant need for a model to estimate demand for intercity bus services, especially in rural areas. The general objective of this research was to develop an intercity mode choice model that can be incorporated into a statewide travel demand...

Older adults, people with disabilities, individuals in low-income households, and those living in rural areas can face significant mobility challenges. This study examines travel behavior and mobility of these transportation-disadvantaged groups by analyzing data from the National Household Travel Survey...

The Small Urban & Rural Transit Center (SURTC) conducted surveys of NDSU students during the fall and spring semesters of 2010-2011 regarding travel behavior and experience with Metro Area Transit (MATBUS). An on-vehicle survey of MATBUS riders on two NDSU campus routes was conducted in the winter of...

The built environment consists of everything humanly made, arranged, or maintained (Bartuska and Young 1994). In relation to travel behavior, there has been a focus on improving our understanding of how the built environment influences one's travel mode choice. Planners need evidence showing how land...

The study involved collecting and reporting information on the travel behavior of UND students; collecting and reporting information on their preferences and attitudes toward campus shuttle services; analyzing shuttle service passenger trip data; evaluating existing shuttle services; and providing both...

With higher fuel costs and changing economic conditions, travel behavior and the level and allocation of resources in highways, rail, air, and transit service in rural areas, may be changing. The objective of this study is to determine the attitude of would-be passengers in their choice of mode and the...

A three-wave longitudinal survey of a cohort of North Dakota State University (NDSU) students who matriculated in the fall of 2005 was conducted to investigate changing attitudes and travel behaviors. The longitudinal framework allowed for investigation of individual as opposed to group changes in behavior....

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