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25 report(s) found with load tests in the keywords field
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Maintaining sufficient charge during the duration of travel along with the time required to recharge the vehicle are major concerns for electric vehicle (EV) owners. This project focuses on in-motion, inductive power transfer (IPT) embedded in roadways to ensure charge duration and replace stationary...

A research section was built within a major highway to compare the performance of different geosynthetic-reinforced pavement systems. The first test section contained no geosynthetic reinforcement. The second section was reinforced with a layer of geogrid. In the third test section, geotextile was placed...

According to the 2017 ASCE Infrastructure Report Card (ASCE 2017), 9.1% of the U.S. bridges are structurally deficient. The majority of deficient bridges are in service on low-traffic volume roads, and these bridges should be replaced or repaired for public safety in a timely manner. As an alternative...

Precast concrete construction has been proven to be very efficient in bridge engineering, especially in accelerated bridge construction (ABC), where precast concrete components are connected to save time and minimize disruption of traffic. Post-tensioned (PT) concrete structural elements, when combined...

Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) has only recently garnered attention as a new construction material in the United States. Despite being introduced in Europe nearly 20 years ago, CLT is still not used widely in North America. One primarily reason is because CLT is not yet recognized as a structural system...

This study evaluates the seismic performance of circular concrete-filled tube (CCFT) columns in accelerated bridge construction (ABC) projects. CCFT components are considered of interest for bridges subjected to seismic forces due to their efficient structural behavior under combined axial and bending...

The South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) allows the use of precast double-tee bridges in counties because they are economical and fast in construction. Alternative durable prefabricated bridge systems are needed to provide more options to local governments. The present study was carried...

Compared with conventional lap splicing, mechanical splicing is an alternative method of connecting bars in reinforced concrete (RC) structures, and is used mainly to reduce bar congestion in joints. Recently, mechanical bar splices, which are also referred to as bar couplers, have been used in laboratories...

Precast/prestressed double tee bridge girders are widely used for accelerated bridge construction on local roads in South Dakota. A common issue among existing double tee bridges in South Dakota is the rapid deterioration of longitudinal joints (shear keyways) between adjacent girders. Deteriorated joints...

Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) geofoam is a super-lightweight material used in various transportation engineering applications. It has been particularly successful as an ultra-lightweight alternative to earthen, geosynthetic reinforced soil (GRS), and mechanically-stabilized earth (MSE) embankment systems...

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