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5 report(s) found with land use in the keywords field
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Transportation systems generate certain health-promoting benefits such as access to social, economic, and cultural resources, but they also are a source of air pollution, noise, safety hazards, and barriers that diminish social cohesion in neighborhoods. Streets, in particular, are among the most important...

Not long after the advent of cars arose a conflict between moving traffic and residential livability. The typical response pushed traffic off residential streets and onto nearby arterial roads. With many researchers identifying traffic on residential streets as an underlying issue behind poor livability...

The built environment consists of everything humanly made, arranged, or maintained (Bartuska and Young 1994). In relation to travel behavior, there has been a focus on improving our understanding of how the built environment influences one's travel mode choice. Planners need evidence showing how land...

In this paper, elevator trip generation equations are estimated from detailed facility, land-use, and highway traffic data in North Dakota. A trip attraction equation is used to explain the effects of elevator storage capacity and side track capacity on elevator throughput. Elevators are classified on...

Universities and transit agencies across the United States have been finding innovative new ways of providing and financing mobility services on and around university campuses. Many transit agencies are providing substantially more service and moving substantially more riders than their counterparts...

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