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16 report(s) found with land in the keywords field
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Numerous studies have found that suburban residents drive more and walk less than residents in traditional neighborhoods. What is less well understood is the extent to which the observed patterns of travel behavior can be attributed to the residential built environment itself, as opposed to the prior...

Universities and transit agencies across the United States have been finding innovative new ways of providing and financing mobility services on and around university campuses. Many transit agencies are providing substantially more service and moving substantially more riders than their counterparts...

One significant consideration when examining a business venture is to define the network for the product. The network design should take into account the number, size, and location of suppliers, producers, distributors, wholesalers and retailers.The spreadsheet model allows consideration of a number...

The balance of this report will examine the experiences U.S. production agriculture has had with deregulation of the transportation industry. It will highlight the evolution of the procurement segment of grain marketing, concentrating on the wheat origination region, as it is an important export commodity...

Deals with issues regarding the importance of transportation in the Upper Midwest.

The purpose of this report is to disseminate information and ideas which, hopefully, will be of some value to you in formulating an opinion of your own concerning development of the coal, water and related land resources of southwestern North Dakota.

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