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12 report(s) found with intersections in the keywords field
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This study evaluated the approach-level safety performance of left-turn phases at signalized intersections, including permissive, protected-permissive (PPLT), protected indications, and flashing yellow arrow (FYA). Data collection included exact dates of traffic signal changes, high-resolution datasets...

Innovative intersections and interchanges have proliferated in the State of Utah over the past several years. Continuous flow intersections and diverging diamond interchanges seem to offer improved traffic performance and safety due to their innovative designs. However, there are no clearly defined guidelines...

400 South Corridor Assessment (Mar 2017, MPC-17-318)

Local transportation agencies in the Salt Lake City (SLC) Metropolitan Area spent more than a decade working toward building a sustainable regional transportation system. Light Rail Transit (LRT) is an integral part of that system. Currently, three LRT lines operate along the Wasatch Front area. A new...

Street networks designed to support Transit Oriented Development (TOD) increase accessibility for non-motorized traffic. However, the implications of TOD supportive networks for still dominant vehicular traffic are rarely addressed. Due to this lack of research, decision making in favor of TOD supportive...

The goal of this study is to evaluate light rail priority strategies along the 400 S / 500 S corridor in Salt Lake County through analyzing benefits and impacts of the priority on transit and vehicular traffic through microsimulation. The results show that the existing priority strategies have no impacts...

With ever-increasing traffic demand and price of fossil fuels public transit becomes more popular transportation mode than ever before, especially in the fast growing regions such as Salt Lake City Metropolitan Region. Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC) (a local Metropolitan Planning Organization)...

In 2005, the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) installed the Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System (SCATS) in Park City, Utah, on its network of 14 signalized intersections. A field evaluation compared previous time-of-day actuated-coordinated signal timings with those dynamically computed...

This research evaluates the effectiveness of the future Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) adaptive signal control system on the arterial street network in Park City, Utah, that experiences both everyday and unpredictable changes in traffic flow. This report contains the planned methodology for...

A study of collisions occurring at intersections along State routes in Utah was conducted. The number of crashes, the crash severity score and, for selected locations, the crash rate were determined and "ranked" for intersections within the Utah Department of Transportation's Region 1, Region 2, Region...

UTL compared the intersections with an Advanced Warning System (AWS) to an intersection without AWS. They found that the AWS in St. George was not effective in reducing the number of drivers in DZs. Although 90% of drivers responded positively by reducing their speed when the signal was flashing, most...

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