Research Reports Filter by Keyword73 report(s) found with highways in the keywords field This study presents the application of the Highway Safety Manual (HSM) to rural state highways in South Dakota and provides important guidance and empirical results regarding how to calibrate HSM models. Calibration guidelines have been developed to facilitate future calibration activities. The calibration... Highway project selection and scheduling are traditionally treated as two separate problems in the literature. It is critical to investigate how to select and schedule M&R projects in a way that can maximize their benefit or effectiveness while minimizing the traffic impacts of work zones across project... Highway assets, including traffic signs, traffic signals, light poles, and guardrails, are important components of transportation networks. They guide, warn, and protect drivers and regulate traffic. To manage and maintain the regular operation of the highway system, state departments of transportation... Over the last two decades, the use of advanced scientific and data-driven statistical methods has been continuously evolving to reduce the frequency and severity of crashes on our roadways. The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Highway Safety Manual (HSM) was... This effort responds to a North Dakota League of Cities request for a study of the transportation needs of the largest 14 urban centers in the state. The study was funded by the North Dakota League of Cities and the North Dakota Department of Transportation. The North Dakota League of Cities, along with... North Dakota crash reports show that nearly 82% of fatal crashes occurred on non-interstate rural roads over the past five years. A total of 5,535 driver observations were collected at 143 sites across 24 rural counties. Seat belt use was found to be significantly different on rural highways and in rural... Not long after the advent of cars arose a conflict between moving traffic and residential livability. The typical response pushed traffic off residential streets and onto nearby arterial roads. With many researchers identifying traffic on residential streets as an underlying issue behind poor livability... When one think of earthquakes the Mountain Plains Region does not come first to mind; rather, the West Coast, South America, Japan, and most recently Italy and Nepal can easily be pictured. According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) the largest earthquake on record for Colorado occurred in 1882... Improving roadway safety on Indian reservations requires a comprehensive approach. Limited resources, lack of crash data, and few cross-jurisdictions coordination has made it difficult for Native American communities to address their roadway safety concerns. A methodology to improve roadway safety has... With the understanding that seat belts are a relatively low-cost safety device and are an easy primary protection for occupants in passenger vehicles, North Dakota has chosen to continue to measure seat belt use on non-interstate rural roads. Understanding tendencies and trends in seat belt use on these...