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24 report(s) found with freight traffic in the keywords field
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This study provides a snapshot of truck/rail container intermodal shipping into and out of North Dakota. The study revealed the benefits of intermodal transportation including lower overall transportation costs, increased economic productivity and efficiency, reduced congestion and burden on over-stressed...

This analysis is largely based on received theory of firm behavior. How will an individual transportation firm react to changes in the logistical system if the four dams are breached? The collective action of like firms will result in changes in the industry, which will reveal much about the potential...

This report develops a baseline inventory of rail hazardous commodities that originate in, terminate in, or pass through Region 8 (which includes the states of Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming). The inventory also includes a set of interregional tables that summarize hazardous...

The last comprehensive North Dakota rail plan was developed in 1982. Since then, the characteristics and ownership of many of the state's branch lines have changed. The purpose of this study is to develop current information and trend data for North Dakota branch lines, and to discuss some of the issues...

The purpose of the appendix is to highlight trends and data that reflect the authors' opinions regarding the potential viability of individual rail lines.

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effect of market trade area size on costs of alternative grain elevator systems in North Dakota. In addition, marketing densities, which directly affect size of trade area, will be examined.

This paper theoretically analyzes Burlington Northern's proposed policy on reducing the number of privately owned covered hopper cars operating on its trackage.

The main objective of this study is to examine the use of leased and privately-owned covered hopper cars by grain elevators in North Dakota. Specific objectives are to: 1) describe rail car leasing authority; 2) evaluate the utilization of leased hopper cars; and 3) compare the economics of leasing versus...

This report summarizes activities which have been undertaken pursuant to and in completion of Activity 5 of the Rail Planning Contract for FY 1982, between the North Dakota Highway Department and the Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute. The activities described herein constitute the development...

This report summarizes activities undertaken pursuant to and in completion of Activity 4 of the FY 1982 contract between the North Dakota Highway Department and the Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute (UGPTI). The purpose of the activity is to develop methods for the measurement of non-grain...

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