Research Reports Filter by Keyword5 report(s) found with freeways in the keywords field 1 - 5 of 5 During the past few decades, ramp metering control has been widely implemented in many U.S. states, including Utah. Numerous studies and applications have demonstrated that ramp metering control is an effective strategy to reduce overall freeway congestion by managing the amount of traffic entering the... The State of Wyoming road network is characterized by heavy truck traffic. In 2015, truck traffic was approximately 22% of vehicle miles traveled (VMTs) along all routes in Wyoming, according to the WYDOT Annual Traffic Report. The heaviest truck traffic exists along I-80 with about 47% truck VMTs. Trucks... This report describes methods that potentially can be incorporated into the performance monitoring and planning processes for freeway performance evaluation and decision making. Reliability analysis was conducted on the selected I-15 corridor by employing congestion frequency as the performance measure.... The main objective of rural roadway pricing is revenue generation, rather than elimination of congestion externalities. This report presents a model that provides optimum tolls accounting for pavement deterioration and economic impacts. This model contains multiple components, because imposing tolls... This research project, "Evaluating and Improving Pedestrian Safety in Utah," was initiated in December 2000. Two interim reports have been prepared thus far, including Facilitation of Pedestrian Crossings in 28 States and Literature Review of Pedestrian Safety Measures (Cottrell 2001) and Literature...