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17 report(s) found with fatigue in the keywords field
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This document presents the continuous effort to develop mechanical tests that can relate to the expected performance of asphalt mixtures once placed in the field. During a previous research project, asphalt mixtures of different compositions were collected from different locations across the state of...


The ultimate objective of this project was to determine the structural performance of the dynamic message sign (DMS) bonded with chemical adhesive in terms of ultimate strength and fatigue strength. To achieve this objective, this project first investigated the effects of various parameters (i.e., conditioning...


The current study examined a new mobile app for the measurement of fatigue and alertness in the workplace, the AlertMeter. Seventeen participants experienced 36-hour sleep deprivation and were measured every two hours. Sixteen of the 17 participants were able to stay awake the entire study. No adverse...


The use of deicing salts on highway bridges has decreased the service life of bridge decks due to the accelerated corrosion of the steel reinforcement. The use of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) in bridge decks as a means of corrosion-mitigation has been met with some success; however, GFRP is...


Precast prestressed double-tee girders are common on county bridges in South Dakota because of the ease of construction, short construction time, and low cost. However, the longitudinal joints of these bridges are rapidly deteriorating, imposing girder replacement after only 45 years of service. Currently...


The South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) allows the use of precast double-tee bridges in counties because they are economical and fast in construction. Alternative durable prefabricated bridge systems are needed to provide more options to local governments. The present study was carried...


The purpose of the initial project was to establish a baseline for the evaluation of proposed fatigue mitigation efforts, to demonstrate the utilization of measures of sleep and fatigue, and to gather initial data for comparison to other previous studies. Results demonstrated that there was enough data...


Steel bridges with reinforced concrete substructures and steel superstructures are considered to have superior performance under earthquakes when compared with their reinforced concrete counterpart. Such performance reputation stems from the fact that few steel bridges have been subjected to strong ground...


The use of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers (CFRP) for the repair of civil infrastructure has been on the rise. Most studies have focused on the effect of CFRP to increase the stiffness and strength of reinforced concrete beams or columns. Limited attention has been given to the effect of CFRP on mitigating...


Concrete bridge decks are directly exposed to daily traffic loads and may experience some surface cracking caused by excessive stress or fatigue accumulation, which requires repair or replacement. Among typical bridges in North America, bridge decks are considered the most expensive component to construct...

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