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8 report(s) found with exports in the keywords field
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Agriculture is a leading source of demand for transport resources. It accounted for nearly 1 in 5 ton-miles of highway freight and 1 in 10 ton-miles of rail and barge freight transported in the nation during 2010, and demand is expected to grow. Thus, understanding industry practices and trends related...

The analysis describes world trade in containers by country, through time, by importers and exporters, and by port areas. In addition, it includes an analysis of containerization of cargo. Specifically, we used the data to analyze the extent that cargos that traditionally were shipped in bulk, have become...

The focus of this study is on the potential role of transportation infrastructure in expanding sales of goods outside the state. Much of the freight exported from North Dakota moves by rail. Therefore, both highway and railroad system are analyzed. To the extent possible, the benefits and costs associated...

Containerization has evolved from an industry serving niche markets to an industry creating niche market opportunities. While grain and oilseed industry is dominated by bulky, homogenized product marketing that is heavily reliant on economies of scale in delivering competitively priced commodities, technological...

The objective of this report is to develop a profile of the U.S. containerized grain and oilseed export industry, including marketing activities, future expectations, information needs, and business practices. This report forms Phase I in a proposed two-phase analysis of the grain container industry....

This report describes the Access database created to automate some of the tedious work required to process information requests from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Ag Export Assistance program. The main functionality requested for this automation project were: (1) store present and historical ocean...

World Durum Trade Model (Sep 1994, MPC-94-35)

The objective of this study was to assess the competitiveness of U.S. durum producers in supplying durum by estimating production levels and trade flows under alternative trade scenarios. Mathematical programming was used to compare production levels and distribution patterns for the durum market under...

The main purpose of this paper is to explore alternative methods of positioning wheat produced in the state at export locations. Specific objectives are to: 1) identify potential routes and modes which would be utilized to position wheat produced in North Dakota for export; 2) develop and identify associated...

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050