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39 report(s) found with evaluation and assessment in the keywords field
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A research study was conducted by South Dakota State University in cooperation with the South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) to assess applicability of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) design calculations for the dynamic ice loads on bridge...

Concrete bridge decks are directly exposed to daily traffic loads and may experience some surface cracking caused by excessive stress or fatigue accumulation, which requires repair or replacement. Among typical bridges in North America, bridge decks are considered the most expensive component to construct...

A study was conducted to investigate implementation of accelerated bridge construction (ABC) in South Dakota. Accelerated bridge construction is defined as construction practices that employ innovative techniques to reduce on-site construction time and interruption to traffic. The main objective of this...

This study investigates the effectiveness of the Great Rides Bike Share program that was launched in 2015 in the small urban area of Fargo, North Dakota. Eleven bike share stations were installed in Fargo with 101 bikes. Stations were primarily concentrated on the North Dakota State University (NDSU)...

Connections between precast concrete elements must be able to withstand significant stresses and deformations in earthquakes. The grouted splice sleeve (GSS) connector is being considered for connecting footing, column, and cap beam elements in accelerated bridge construction (ABC). There are limited...

400 South Corridor Assessment (Mar 2017, MPC-17-318)

Local transportation agencies in the Salt Lake City (SLC) Metropolitan Area spent more than a decade working toward building a sustainable regional transportation system. Light Rail Transit (LRT) is an integral part of that system. Currently, three LRT lines operate along the Wasatch Front area. A new...

This report describes methods that potentially can be incorporated into the performance monitoring and planning processes for freeway performance evaluation and decision making. Reliability analysis was conducted on the selected I-15 corridor by employing congestion frequency as the performance measure....

The objective of this project is to find effective configurations for using buckling restrained braces (BRBs) in both skewed and curved bridges for reducing the effects of strong earthquakes. Verification is performed by numerical simulation using analytical models of existing bridges when BRBs are implemented...

Strategies often proposed to combat the growing traffic congestion problems of urban environments target enhancements to increase the use of bus transit. Therefore, service providers are keen to identify and understand factors that could attract more transit riders. Other than affordability, most researchers...

National Bridge Inspection Standards do not require documenting damage location during an inspection but bridge evaluation provisions highlight the importance of location to determining the structural impact of damage. Capturing damage location information using current inspection and documentation methods...

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