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12 report(s) found with education in the keywords field
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Motorcycle use brings increased risk to the operator simply by the nature of the vehicle. When a crash occurs, the threat of injury or death is magnified by physical exposure compared to that of other vehicle occupants. Detection and gap/speed judgments by other motorists present additional hazards to...

This paper is a summary of work performed by the Utah Traffic Lab (UTL) to develop training programs for the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) Traffic Operations Center (TOC) operators at both the basic and advanced levels. The basic training is designed to train operators in the basic knowledge...

Occupant protection is one of the easiest and most inexpensive ways to protect yourself when riding in a motor vehicle. Yet many North Dakota youth, especially rural youth, fail to wear their seat belts, even with a primary seat belt law for children under the age of 18 in the state of North Dakota....

This research project, "Evaluating and Improving Pedestrian Safety in Utah," was initiated in December 2000. Two interim reports have been prepared thus far, including Facilitation of Pedestrian Crossings in 28 States and Literature Review of Pedestrian Safety Measures (Cottrell 2001) and Literature...

A survey of the education and training needs was conducted and more than 2,000 questionnaire booklets were sent to highway contractors nationwide. Two hundred and eighteen responded. The objective of the survey was to determine the training and education needs of the construction industry and identify...

The field of transportation is rapidly becoming a popular career choice for undergraduate engineering students. Many work opportunities are available in the area of transportation including computer software analysis, field testing, and consulting. Unfortunately, these opportunities are not always accessible...

The principal investigators addressed many aspects of distance learning in a recently taught TEL8 course on bridge engineering. Their efforts are outlined in this report with respect to this course. The fruit of their effort is a better and more technologically advanced method of coupling TEL8 courses...

In 1995, the Mountain-Plains Consortium in the U.S. initiated TEL8. TEL8 is a satellite-based telecommunications system that serves ten sites in Federal Highway Administration's Region 8. This paper presents the attributes of TEL8 to demonstrate the roles for distance learning in a changing world. The...

The objective of this project was to develop a program that provides short-term analyses and education in an effort to enhance the viability of rural manufacturing and processing firms through a better understanding of transportation and logistics management by organizations in North Dakota.

In 1993, North Dakota State University (NDSU) established graduate transportation options in civil engineering and agricultural economics. Since many aspects of the transportation programs are interdisciplinary in nature, the potential exists for expansion to other departments at NDSU, and for increased...

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