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8 report(s) found with economics in the keywords field
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This research focuses on the long-standing relationship between the rail industry and production agriculture. It will investigate the differential effects of policy change, considering factors that have influenced pricing service for corn, wheat and soybeans in a deregulated rail industry.

In 1993, North Dakota State University (NDSU) established graduate transportation options in civil engineering and agricultural economics. Since many aspects of the transportation programs are interdisciplinary in nature, the potential exists for expansion to other departments at NDSU, and for increased...

A basic understanding of industrial organization is essential for students and practitioners in the field of transportation. Understanding issues related to transportation regulation, transportation firm behavior, and transportation sector performance will contribute to prudent decisionmaking by transportation...

The United States food processing industry is under increasing economic pressure to remain competitive internationally. Consequently, American firms are evolving from an adversarial to a close procurement relationship, with many adopting preferred supplier or partnership programs to decrease costs. A...

Transportation fulfills three major roles in a developed economy. First, it is an enabler that allows an economy to develop. Second, it is a facilitator of competition for producers throughout broad area. And finally, transportation is a component of the Gross National Product. The motor carrier industry...

This study examines consolidation of road services by local governments, and explores the optimal mix of roads for rural counties. A methodology for measuring economies in the provision of local road services is presented. This methodology is unique in two ways; 1) it better accounts for relevant variables...

Transit service is playing an increasingly vital role in maintaining and improving mobility and economic well-being of rural populations in the North Central region. At the same time that transit service is increasing in importance, higher operating expenses and reduced federal subsidies are making management...

The overall objective was to determine the extent that economies of size and density are available to short line railroads. Size economies are limited for short line railroads. For example, doubling the size of the network (from 56 to 129 miles) decreases costs by only 6.9 percent. The elasticity of...

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050