MPC Research Reports Filter by Keyword7 report(s) found with economic impacts in the keywords field 1 - 7 of 7 Transportation access management is defined as systematic control of the design, spacing, operation, and locations of street connections, interchanges, driveways, and median openings on the roadway with the purpose of providing vehicle access while preserving the efficiency and safety of the entire transportation... Converse, Goshen, Laramie, and Platte counties were selected in accordance with a legislative directive as part of a project to determine the impact of the oil and gas industry on county infrastructure. This thesis takes into account the impact of county gravel roads and strategies used to help develop... The main objective of rural roadway pricing is revenue generation, rather than elimination of congestion externalities. This report presents a model that provides optimum tolls accounting for pavement deterioration and economic impacts. This model contains multiple components, because imposing tolls... Partial deregulation of the railroad industry substantially eased regulatory impediments to consolidation. Since partial deregulation, there has been a massive consolidation of firms in the railroad industry, which has been premised on efficiency gains, network rationalization, and service quality. In... Soils are an important component of any transportation structure. To improve the engineering properties of these soils, compaction requirements are included in virtually all transportation construction specifications. Field observations indicate however, that soils at near-freezing temperatures may require... Through deregulation, the railroad industry has rationalized its services across the nation. Since 1980, this has lead to the abandonment of over 33,000 miles of rail line in the United States. While this has improved the efficiency and financial viability of rail carriers, it has adversely affected... The Wyoming loop tour program, as evaluated in this study, involved two components. One component dealt with the location criteria and an evaluation of the existing loop tours which is contained in a companion report, MPC 94-29. Included in this study is a discussion of models used in determining economic...