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4 report(s) found with economic factors in the keywords field
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Transportation systems generate certain health-promoting benefits such as access to social, economic, and cultural resources, but they also are a source of air pollution, noise, safety hazards, and barriers that diminish social cohesion in neighborhoods. Streets, in particular, are among the most important...

The built environment consists of everything humanly made, arranged, or maintained (Bartuska and Young 1994). In relation to travel behavior, there has been a focus on improving our understanding of how the built environment influences one's travel mode choice. Planners need evidence showing how land...

This paper presents a prototype safety improvement program (SIP), which was developed specifically for unpaved roads. The combination of high mileage, low traffic volume, and limited budgets make it difficult for local agencies to adopt traditional safety improvement programs. The SIP for unpaved roads...

Transportation fulfills three major roles in a developed economy. First, it is an enabler that allows an economy to develop. Second, it is a facilitator of competition for producers throughout broad area. And finally, transportation is a component of the Gross National Product. The motor carrier industry...

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