Research Reports Filter by Keyword6 report(s) found with earthquakes in the keywords field 1 - 6 of 6 An efficient and safe transportation system is essential to communities during the long-term recovery period after earthquakes. A disrupted transportation network due to infrastructure damage or failure affects the functionality of the traffic system and poses increased traffic safety risks. A rational... The I-15 Downhole Array (I15DA) is located near the intersection of I-15 and I-80 in Salt Lake City, Utah. This downhole array is installed in soft soil deposited by Lake Bonneville, where depth to bedrock is expected to be at a considerable depth. The soil conditions at the I15DA are representative... This report presents several advancements in the empirical modeling of liquefaction-induced lateral spread. It starts with a newly collected dataset of 5,560 historical lateral spread displacement vectors, a sample size over 10 times larger than the existing databases and subsurface data comprising over... Long-span bridges support a large amount of traffic every day. Even when an earthquake strikes, a long-span bridge often still has many vehicles present due to the low predictability of earthquake events. To study the seismic performance of bridge and traffic systems, a new full-response prediction methodology... Grouted Splice Sleeve (GSS) connectors are being considered for connecting bridge columns, footings, and pier caps in Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC). A repair technique for precast reinforced concrete bridge column-to-footing and column-to-pier cap joints constructed with GSS connectors has been... Earthquakes damage transportation infrastructure. In addition to replacement and repair costs for damage to transportation structures, large earthquakes can increase time delays resulting from a network component's loss of function. Damage to the network can severely disrupt traffic flows for several...