MPC Research Reports Filter by Keyword19 report(s) found with earthquake resistant design in the keywords field This report presents the behavior of reinforced concrete beams retrofitted with carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets and ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) jackets in a multi-hazard environment. Following the procedural protocol of a published standard, the beams are cyclically loaded under... A numerical model simulating the seismic behavior of precast concrete columns confined with glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) spirals and longitudinally reinforced with steel or a combination of steel and GFRP bars was developed using the Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (OpenSees).... Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composite materials have been studied and applied to reinforced concrete (RC) structures for strengthening or seismic retrofit for many years. This research is related to using FRP composites in new bridge structures. Capacity degradation in RC components of existing bridges... A new method for building seismically resilient bridges is proposed using accelerated bridge construction (ABC) methods. The hybrid two-column bridge bent consists of post-tensioned precast concrete columns with a buckling restrained brace (BRB) as an external energy dissipation device. The design of... The use of precast concrete in bridge construction has been abundant in recent years because of its efficiency and superior quality control. Precast components are connected at the bridge site to reduce construction time and traffic disturbance. The Grouted Splice Sleeve (GSS) connection provides good... A mechanical bar splice, also known as bar coupler, is an alternative to the traditional lap splicing to connect bars in reinforced concrete (RC) structures. Even though mechanical bar splices can be used as new precast column connections to accelerate bridge construction (ABC), the use of bar couplers... Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) has only recently garnered attention as a new construction material in the United States. Despite being introduced in Europe nearly 20 years ago, CLT is still not used widely in North America. One primarily reason is because CLT is not yet recognized as a structural system... Reinforced concrete bridge wall piers constructed using older codes perform inadequately during strong earthquakes; deficiencies include short reinforcement lap splices, insufficient steel reinforcement ratios in the longitudinal and transverse direction, and inadequate seismic detailing. Three half-scale... This study evaluates the seismic performance of circular concrete-filled tube (CCFT) columns in accelerated bridge construction (ABC) projects. CCFT components are considered of interest for bridges subjected to seismic forces due to their efficient structural behavior under combined axial and bending... In order to predict the functionality of transportation networks following a seismic event, performance of embankments under real ground motions needs to be well understood. Understanding of such performance can be realized using experimental testing or finite element analysis. This study aims to add...