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104 report(s) found with design in the keywords field
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Federal and state transportation agencies set goals related to surface transportation system performance. The variability in factors influencing design criteria (e.g., driver performance, road conditions, and vehicle performance) is often large and is addressed implicitly by using "conservative" values....

The need for improved bicycle facilities in rural communities is becoming more apparent, but the standard national bicycle design guide is aimed at different types of communities than those found in rural areas. Rural communities differ from mid-size and large urban areas in that they typically have...

The most common type of bridge on South Dakota local roads is a precast prestressed double-tee (DT) girder bridge. More than 700 DT bridges are currently in-service in South Dakota. Structural detailing, aging, traffic volume, and environmental conditions affect structural performance, integrity, and...

This study evaluates the seismic performance of circular concrete-filled tube (CCFT) columns in accelerated bridge construction (ABC) projects. CCFT components are considered of interest for bridges subjected to seismic forces due to their efficient structural behavior under combined axial and bending...

Innovative intersections and interchanges have proliferated in the State of Utah over the past several years. Continuous flow intersections and diverging diamond interchanges seem to offer improved traffic performance and safety due to their innovative designs. However, there are no clearly defined guidelines...

When a vehicle drives over a bridge, each bridge girder carries a portion of the vehicle's weight. This load causes strain in the bottom of the bridge girders. However, depending on where the vehicle is located on the bridge, some bridge girders carry a higher percentage of the vehicle's load. This study...

In order to predict the functionality of transportation networks following a seismic event, performance of embankments under real ground motions needs to be well understood. Understanding of such performance can be realized using experimental testing or finite element analysis. This study aims to add...

To facilitate the implementation of Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide in Wyoming, this research investigated the relationships between subgrade resilient modulus (Mr) and the dynamic cone penetration and the standard penetration test results, selected three best subgrade Mr predictive models...

The South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) allows the use of precast double-tee bridges in counties because they are economical and fast in construction. Alternative durable prefabricated bridge systems are needed to provide more options to local governments. The present study was carried...

Compared with conventional lap splicing, mechanical splicing is an alternative method of connecting bars in reinforced concrete (RC) structures, and is used mainly to reduce bar congestion in joints. Recently, mechanical bar splices, which are also referred to as bar couplers, have been used in laboratories...

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