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98 report(s) found with design in the keywords field
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Train-pedestrian conflicts result in a substantial number of serious and fatal injuries annually. Signs indicating safe and permissible behaviors near railroad rights-of-way are commonly relied upon to mitigate collisions. However, the effectiveness of these signs in preventing accidents depends on the...

This report presents the behavior of reinforced concrete beams retrofitted with carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets and ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) jackets in a multi-hazard environment. Following the procedural protocol of a published standard, the beams are cyclically loaded under...

In recent years, major initiatives have been taken to replace non-renewable materials with environmentally friendly and sustainable ones. The present study was undertaken to apply a scalable process for laboratory production of cellulose nanofibers (CNF) and to evaluate the feasibility of using the produced...

Ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) is distinguished by its superior mechanical and durability properties. These characteristics are attained through a precise mixture design that includes a low water-to-cement ratio, high fineness supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs), and steel fibers. This...

This report presents the relevancy of the allowable stress rating (ASR) and the load and resistance factor rating (LRFR) methods for timber bridges. Benchmark bridges constructed in the 1930s have been upgraded with hollow structural steel (HSS) beams and three-dimensional finite element models provide...

Two-lane highways comprise a considerable percentage of the nation's roads. A critical component required in the design of two-lane highways is the passing sight distance (PSD). In cases where it is inadequate, no-passing zones are established. There are multiple techniques employed for measuring the...

This comprehensive report synthesizes findings from three distinct yet interrelated studies, each exploring the developing role of drones in the condition monitoring of multimodal transportation assets. The first study, a systematic literature review (SLR) on railway inspection and monitoring (RIM)...

A numerical model simulating the seismic behavior of precast concrete columns confined with glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) spirals and longitudinally reinforced with steel or a combination of steel and GFRP bars was developed using the Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (OpenSees)....

This report documents the effort to develop a practical relation between the cracking tolerance index and portions of the dynamic modulus curves of asphalt mixtures. A review of practices used to create asphalt mixtures' dynamic modulus master curves, based on NCHRP reports and other relevant literature...

As roundabouts become increasingly popular, and as many communities promote bicycle use, the safety of roundabouts for people bicycling is of major concern. In this project, we studied bicyclists' safety perceptions of and preferences for roundabouts with different characteristics. First, we performed...

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