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19 report(s) found with deregulation in the keywords field
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For more than a decade, the Bureau of Labor Statistics has cited "railroad operations" as one of the best-paying careers for high school graduates. The author suggests economic circumstances that have kept railroads profitable and a legal environment that favors predictability and limits conflict with...

Partial deregulation of the railroad industry substantially eased regulatory impediments to consolidation. Since partial deregulation, there has been a massive consolidation of firms in the railroad industry, which has been premised on efficiency gains, network rationalization, and service quality. In...

This research focuses on the long-standing relationship between the rail industry and production agriculture. It will investigate the differential effects of policy change, considering factors that have influenced pricing service for corn, wheat and soybeans in a deregulated rail industry.

The Staggers Act of 1980 largely deregulated the Class I Railroad industry and has had profound effects on labor. Between 1978 and 1994, employment in the industry decreased by about 60 percent, while real wages (average compensation) increased by over 40 percent. Earlier research examined employment...

The balance of this report will examine the experiences U.S. production agriculture has had with deregulation of the transportation industry. It will highlight the evolution of the procurement segment of grain marketing, concentrating on the wheat origination region, as it is an important export commodity...

The objectives of this research are to determine how regional trucking firms are incorporating logistical services into their business, show some of the current trends regarding logistics in the trucking business, and allow firms to evaluate themselves against the rest of the industry.

This study examines the impacts that railroad and trucking deregulation had on rail labor earnings and employment.

Through deregulation, the railroad industry has rationalized its services across the nation. Since 1980, this has lead to the abandonment of over 33,000 miles of rail line in the United States. While this has improved the efficiency and financial viability of rail carriers, it has adversely affected...

A basic understanding of industrial organization is essential for students and practitioners in the field of transportation. Understanding issues related to transportation regulation, transportation firm behavior, and transportation sector performance will contribute to prudent decisionmaking by transportation...

This paper attempts to improve on the rail rate estimation employed by McFarland, while also measuring the impact of deregulation on rail profitability.

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