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5 report(s) found with creep in the keywords field
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Calcium sulfoaluminate (CSA) cement was used to cast a prestressed voided deck slab bridge girder. The rapid-set properties of CSA cement allowed the initial concrete strength to reach the required 4300 psi needed in order to cut the prestressing strands 6.5 hours after casting. Prestress losses were...

An evaluation of the ability of the BBR (Bending Beam Rheometer) as a test to determine changes in the low temperature properties of asphalt mixture parameters was conducted, along with the possible implications of adopting this test for low temperature pavement performance. It was found that the creep...

The ultimate objective of this project was to develop widely accepted recommendations on self-consolidating concrete (SCC) mixture design for its use in WisDOT bridge projects. This project investigated the effects of material constituents on the material properties of trial SCC mixtures made from precasters...

Field samples were obtained from cores taken from multiple roads around the Salt Lake Valley in Utah and prepared for BBR testing. The response of field cores showed that even though the same binder grade used in the region was the same, the resulting mixtures have significant differences in creep moduli...

Research at Colorado State University in wood-concrete layered composites for structural applications has been in progress for more than a decade. Key features of the research are experimental and analytical work to analyze notched shear key interlayer connections. These connections are being used to...

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