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29 report(s) found with crashes in the keywords field
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Crashes of heavy trucks with bridge columns are random events with low probability of occurrence. In spite of the low odds, previous collision events have resulted in catastrophic partial or full collapse of bridges. AASHTO-LRFD Bridge Design Specifications requires bridge columns to be designed for...

For highways located in different counties and cities across the country, specific conditions of weather, terrain, traffic characteristics, highway conditions, population and economic development are all different. Driving environments, traffic accidents and injury risks have strong interactions, which...

Trucks are a vital part of the logistics system in North Dakota. Recent energy developments have generated exponential growth in the demand for truck services. With increased density of trucks in the traffic mix, it is reasonable to expect some increase in the number of crashes. Analysis shows however...

The high societal cost of roadway crashes nationwide makes improving highway safety an important objective of transportation agencies. Recognizing this, Safety Management Systems (SMS) have been required by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to encourage states to pursue and promote safety and...

This report summarizes the work performed during the second phase of a two-phase research project. The first phase focused on two main areas: freight safety and wind vulnerability, and the identification of critical infrastructure. Phase I also tackled another major but less defined task in bringing...

Motorcycle use brings increased risk to the operator simply by the nature of the vehicle. When a crash occurs, the threat of injury or death is magnified by physical exposure compared to that of other vehicle occupants. Detection and gap/speed judgments by other motorists present additional hazards to...

SAFETEA-LU contains language indicating that State Department of Transportation (DOTs) will be required to address safety on local and rural roads. It is important for state, county, and city officials to cooperate in producing a comprehensive safety plan to improve statewide safety. This legislation...

The objective of this research is to investigate the injury severity of truck drivers by studying MV and SV accidents involving trucks on rural highways separately. By using multinomial logit models, the complex interactions between roadway characteristics, driver characteristics, accident characteristics...

In an attempt to predict these crashes, North Dakota driver licensing data and crash data were used to develop a sample of 20,392 teen drivers age 14 to 17. Within the first year after being licensed, these drivers sustained 317 crashes that resulted in an injury or death. The resulting logistic regression...

North Dakota consistently experiences a relatively high level of crashes and injuries on rural roads, considering lane miles and vehicle miles traveled. Approximately 55% of the state's travel, in vehicle-miles, takes place on rural roads. North Dakota fatal crash reports from 2003 to 2007 show that...

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