MPC Research Reports Filter by Keyword29 report(s) found with crashes in the keywords field Transportation planning, traffic monitoring, and traffic safety analysis require detailed information about pedestrian volumes, but such data are usually lacking. Fortunately, recent research has demonstrated the accuracy of pedestrian volumes estimated from push-button data contained within high-resolution... For decades, work zone traffic safety under adverse weather conditions has been a serious concern for drivers and transportation agencies. Natural hazards often cause disruptions on roads and bridges and work zones during the retrofitting process. Existing studies on work zone traffic safety with statistical... Motorcycle riders and passengers are much more likely to be killed or severely injured in a crash, and on average, about 15% of all traffic fatalities include motorcyclists. The study uses 12 years of motorcycle crash data (2008–2019) from Wyoming, and eight years of data from Utah (2014–2021) and... Speed limits play a pivotal role in traffic safety on mountainous roadways. Due to Wyoming's unique conditions, designing mountainous roadways with appropriate design speeds is challenging. These roadways are characterized by adverse weather conditions and tight horizontal curves with steep downgrades... The American Indian population is at high risk for motor vehicle (MV) crash injury. Although preventable, a majority of these indigenous populations lack fundamental data needed to understand these events and effective countermeasures. This cross-case study sets a framework for exploring Indian Nations'... This study evaluated the approach-level safety performance of left-turn phases at signalized intersections, including permissive, protected-permissive (PPLT), protected indications, and flashing yellow arrow (FYA). Data collection included exact dates of traffic signal changes, high-resolution datasets... Child pedestrians are some of the most vulnerable users of our transportation systems, and they deserve particular attention when we consider traffic safety. Part 1 of this report identifies locations in urban areas where child pedestrians are at particular risk for fatal collisions with vehicles. We... This research seeks to investigate crash severity predicting models and contributing factor explorations through the application of data mining models. There are 21 variables found to be associated with commercial truck injury severities. The importance analysis indicates the variable relative important... Over the last two decades, the use of advanced scientific and data-driven statistical methods has been continuously evolving to reduce the frequency and severity of crashes on our roadways. The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Highway Safety Manual (HSM) was... Perception-reaction times (PRT) and deceleration rates are critical components in the design of highways and streets. This research has several objectives, including 1) evaluate differences in PRT and deceleration rates between crash and near-crash events, 2) assess the correlation between PRT and deceleration...