MPC Research Reports Filter by Keyword10 report(s) found with crash severity in the keywords field 1 - 10 of 10 Transportation planning, traffic monitoring, and traffic safety analysis require detailed information about pedestrian volumes, but such data are usually lacking. Fortunately, recent research has demonstrated the accuracy of pedestrian volumes estimated from push-button data contained within high-resolution... As a result of the considerable differences in mass between vehicles and trains, crashes at highway-rail grade crossings (HRGCs) often result in severe injuries and fatalities. Therefore, HRGC safety is considered a crucial transportation safety issue. Transportation decision makers and agencies need... Federal and state transportation agencies set goals related to surface transportation system performance. The variability in factors influencing design criteria (e.g., driver performance, road conditions, and vehicle performance) is often large and is addressed implicitly by using "conservative" values.... This research seeks to investigate crash severity predicting models and contributing factor explorations through the application of data mining models. There are 21 variables found to be associated with commercial truck injury severities. The importance analysis indicates the variable relative important... Trucks are a vital part of the logistics system in North Dakota. Recent energy developments have generated exponential growth in the demand for truck services. With increased density of trucks in the traffic mix, it is reasonable to expect some increase in the number of crashes. Analysis shows however... Improving roadway safety on Indian reservations requires a comprehensive approach. Limited resources, lack of crash data, and few cross-jurisdictions coordination has made it difficult for Native American communities to address their roadway safety concerns. A methodology to improve roadway safety has... The high societal cost of roadway crashes nationwide makes improving highway safety an important objective of transportation agencies. Recognizing this, Safety Management Systems (SMS) have been required by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to encourage states to pursue and promote safety and... Motorcycle use brings increased risk to the operator simply by the nature of the vehicle. When a crash occurs, the threat of injury or death is magnified by physical exposure compared to that of other vehicle occupants. Detection and gap/speed judgments by other motorists present additional hazards to... This research compares safety, measured by expected crash frequency and severity, on road segments where design exceptions were approved and constructed to similar road segments where no design exceptions were approved or constructed. Data were collected for design exceptions in Utah in the years 2001... A study of collisions occurring at intersections along State routes in Utah was conducted. The number of crashes, the crash severity score and, for selected locations, the crash rate were determined and "ranked" for intersections within the Utah Department of Transportation's Region 1, Region 2, Region...