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22 report(s) found with crash rates in the keywords field
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The 24/7 Sobriety Program is an intervention strategy mandating that impaired driving offenders remain sober as a condition of bond or pre-trial release. The goal is to monitor the most at-risk offenders in North Dakota and require that these individuals remain sober in order to keep roadways safe from...

Improving roadway safety on Indian reservations requires a comprehensive approach. Limited resources, lack of crash data, and few cross-jurisdictions coordination has made it difficult for Native American communities to address their roadway safety concerns. A methodology to improve roadway safety has...

The 24/7 Sobriety Program is an intervention strategy mandating that repeat impaired driving offenders remain sober as a condition of bond or pre-trial release. The goal is to monitor the most dangerous offenders in North Dakota and require that these individuals remain sober in order to keep roadways...

The trucking industry continues to contribute significantly to the economy of the United States. The surface transportation system has been a critical component for the movement of goods and services by the trucking industry across the country. Recent decades have seen substantial growth in freight miles...

The high societal cost of roadway crashes nationwide makes improving highway safety an important objective of transportation agencies. Recognizing this, Safety Management Systems (SMS) have been required by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to encourage states to pursue and promote safety and...

Rumble strips and rumble stripes are a recommended strategy for crash reduction. The North Dakota Department of Transportation initiated rumble strip use in the 1970s and greatly expanded application of rumble stripes through a statewide initiative in recent years. This study of four intervention and...

This research compares safety, measured by expected crash frequency and severity, on road segments where design exceptions were approved and constructed to similar road segments where no design exceptions were approved or constructed. Data were collected for design exceptions in Utah in the years 2001...

Traffic crashes stem from a variety of underlying causes. Too often, the cause is risky driving whether it is speeding, running a red light, or driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. These risk factors have all been associated with increased risk of crashes. The goal of our work is to consider...

Older drivers are a growing segment in North Dakota's driver population. The natural aging process brings about diminished visual, cognitive, and physical skills needed for driving tasks. Crash record analysis was conducted to highlight elements that may be used to reduce risk for older drivers. Results...

For North Dakota teens, three of every four deaths are from motor vehicle crashes. Injury crash records for teen drivers were studied to gain insight regarding driver, vehicle, and road factors for public safety policy and program discussions. Results show 14-year-old drivers are three times more likely...

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