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103 report(s) found with costs in the keywords field
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This study examines the cost conditions present in the Class I railroad industry. Recent mergers and merger proposals have brought forth questions regarding the desirability of maintaining competition in areas impacted by horizontal mergers and, similarly, the desirability of end-to-end mergers.

Truck Costs for Owner/Operators (Sep 1997, MPC-97-81)

Differences that exist among truck configurations, trip and product characteristics, and input prices influence costs for individual owner/operators. Economic developers need truck cost estimates to compare transportation modes and accurately estimate transportation costs. Owner/operators and users of...

This paper estimates railroad and truck shipment costs for several major commodities and illustrates how public data and analytic tools can be used to analyze multimodal trade-offs and efficiencies.

In an effort to prevent pumping and reduce premature pavement failures due to infiltrated water, UDOT has contracted Utah State University (USU) to evaluate the hydraulic conductivity (k) of Utah's dense graded untreated base course material. The hydraulic conductivity describes the ease with which water...

The project objective was to assess and determine whether the logistical practices of small and rural suppliers will allow them the opportunity to successfully participate in an integrated supply chain. The project consists of two steps. First, we identified minimal logistical capabilities a supplier...

With rapid advancement in technology, it is becoming difficult for transportation professionals to keep pace over their career lifetimes. Continuing education programs are a way to help combat this problem. These programs are being pursued by departments of transportation and universities across the...

In 1995, the Mountain-Plains Consortium in the U.S. initiated TEL8. TEL8 is a satellite-based telecommunications system that serves ten sites in Federal Highway Administration's Region 8. This paper presents the attributes of TEL8 to demonstrate the roles for distance learning in a changing world. The...

A 1995 survey of N.D. producers was conducted to gain insight into the farm-to-market logistical process. In assessing the process, this study was used to examine the factors that affect the marketing decision, the criteria used in the grain marketing decision, the make-up of the farm truck fleet, and...

This paper reports the results of a survey designed to determine the issues affecting North Dakota's rural aviation community. The survey elicited responses from airport managers on the broader concerns of aviation in the state.

The purpose of this analysis was to assess the implications of alternative ProGold plant sites for North Dakota producers. This analysis was conducted at the request of the North Dakota Governor's Task Force.

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