Research Reports Filter by Keyword5 report(s) found with container traffic in the keywords field 1 - 5 of 5 Shipping grain in containers has been increasingly used as a shipment option by U.S. exporters. Continued evolution and investment in this relatively young industry may open additional opportunities for the grain industry. Grain shipping by container faces challenges in optimizing multimodal operations... The analysis describes world trade in containers by country, through time, by importers and exporters, and by port areas. In addition, it includes an analysis of containerization of cargo. Specifically, we used the data to analyze the extent that cargos that traditionally were shipped in bulk, have become... This report examines the potential role of a new form of transportation intermodal truck-rail container transportation in the state's expanding manufacturing and value-added agricultural base. It explores the general advantages of intermodal container transportation, examines factors that make intermodal... Executive Summary of DP-150 Future customer demands, service availability, and industry investment decisions will shape the modal marketing decisions of the grain marketing sector. The Delphi survey technique is used to engage a cross-section of grain industry experts in sharing opinions regarding future trends for service, investment...