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67 report(s) found with concrete in the keywords field
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The Rocky Mountain Region has experienced considerable difficulty because of alkali-silica reaction (ASR) in concrete construction. Wyoming Department of Transportation was successful in using recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) on Interstate I-80 with limited ASR damage. Reusing concrete from demolition...

Longitudinal joints in Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) pavement slabs require tie (dowel) bars to control joint opening resulting from thermal stresses. Inspections of PCC pavements by the South Dakota Department of Transportation using ground penetrating radar revealed that it is common for tie bars...

A study was conducted to develop recommendations for short span concrete structure type selection based on analyses of existing structure costs and performance data from South Dakota roadway systems. Through a combination of data sources, including the PONTIS database, local owner and inspector surveys...

The use of deicing salts on highway bridges has decreased the service life of bridge decks due to the accelerated corrosion of the steel reinforcement. The use of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) in bridge decks as a means of corrosion-mitigation has been met with some success; however, GFRP is...

Calcium sulfoaluminate (CSA) cement was used to cast a prestressed voided deck slab bridge girder. The rapid-set properties of CSA cement allowed the initial concrete strength to reach the required 4300 psi needed in order to cut the prestressing strands 6.5 hours after casting. Prestress losses were...

This report presents the feasibility of a novel anchor system that mitigates the end-peeling of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets used for strengthening reinforced concrete beams. Contrary to conventional anchoring methods, CFRP sheets are embedded inside the pre-grooved concrete and covered...

Reinforced concrete bridge wall piers constructed using older codes perform inadequately during strong earthquakes; deficiencies include short reinforcement lap splices, insufficient steel reinforcement ratios in the longitudinal and transverse direction, and inadequate seismic detailing. Three half-scale...

Precast prestressed double-tee girders are common on county bridges in South Dakota because of the ease of construction, short construction time, and low cost. However, the longitudinal joints of these bridges are rapidly deteriorating, imposing girder replacement after only 45 years of service. Currently...

The most common type of bridge on South Dakota local roads is a precast prestressed double-tee (DT) girder bridge. More than 700 DT bridges are currently in-service in South Dakota. Structural detailing, aging, traffic volume, and environmental conditions affect structural performance, integrity, and...

This study evaluates the seismic performance of circular concrete-filled tube (CCFT) columns in accelerated bridge construction (ABC) projects. CCFT components are considered of interest for bridges subjected to seismic forces due to their efficient structural behavior under combined axial and bending...

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