MPC Research Reports Filter by Keyword8 report(s) found with competition in the keywords field 1 - 8 of 8 Logistics strategies and practices are essential elements for improving a company's competitiveness in domestic or global markets. Firms expanding into domestic and global markets from the Midwestern and Plains states need to employ efficient strategic logistics practices to compete. Identifying the... This research focuses on the long-standing relationship between the rail industry and production agriculture. It will investigate the differential effects of policy change, considering factors that have influenced pricing service for corn, wheat and soybeans in a deregulated rail industry. This report presents the results from expert interviews with Minneapolis-St. Paul companies and North Dakota manufacturing companies. The Minneapolis expert interviews helped to identify the minimal logistical capabilities a supplier must have in order to do business with the Minneapolis companies. Ten... This study examines the cost conditions present in the Class I railroad industry. Recent mergers and merger proposals have brought forth questions regarding the desirability of maintaining competition in areas impacted by horizontal mergers and, similarly, the desirability of end-to-end mergers. Recent elimination of the Interstate Commerce Commission, pending rail mergers of major carriers, and the recent attempts to set maximum reasonable rate guidelines have indicated the concerns of captive shippers over rates and service. This study has shed some light on the grain marketing practices of... The purpose of this study is to encourage competition among rail carriers by facilitating communications between North Dakota elevators and their rail carriers regarding customer service issues. By conveying marketing and customer service information for the four railroads, the competition for business... The United States food processing industry is under increasing economic pressure to remain competitive internationally. Consequently, American firms are evolving from an adversarial to a close procurement relationship, with many adopting preferred supplier or partnership programs to decrease costs. A... The objective of this study was to assess the competitiveness of U.S. durum producers in supplying durum by estimating production levels and trade flows under alternative trade scenarios. Mathematical programming was used to compare production levels and distribution patterns for the durum market under...