MPC Research Reports Filter by Keyword3 report(s) found with commuting in the keywords field 1 - 3 of 3 The transportation sector in the United States is currently dealing with several challenges, such as greenhouse gas (GHG) and air pollution emission increases, parking facility costs, congestion, and energy consumption. The present report focuses on the development of an innovative multi-business commute... Mitigating traffic congestion and reducing transportation emissions are among the leading goals of most local, regional, national, and international agencies. Several guidelines rely primarily on strategies that support the following: 1) mixed land-use and transit-oriented developments, 2) multimodal... While high income represents one path to resilience, our results suggest higher resilience in locations with proximity to high levels of employment, with more compact and connected street networks that facilitate walking and bicycling, and/or with better transit infrastructure. Current transit usage...