Research Reports Filter by Keyword6 report(s) found with cluster analysis in the keywords field 1 - 6 of 6 Older adults, people with disabilities, individuals in low-income households, and those living in rural areas can face significant mobility challenges. This study examines travel behavior and mobility of these transportation-disadvantaged groups, including trip rates, miles driven, mode shares, and other... A high-dimensional clustering-based sampling method for roadway asset condition inspection is proposed in this study. The method complements existing literature by selecting sample roadway segments that contain multiple types of assets (e.g., signage, shoulder work, pavement marking, etc.) for the accurate... Traditional pedestrian and bicyclist safety analyses typically examine crashes, injuries, or fatalities. However, this reactive approach only accounts for the places where people are currently walking or biking and those that are doing so. Would a proactive approach – examining areas where pedestrian... This study investigates geostatistical approaches using ordinary Kriging and clustering analysis for traffic crash data in order to identify the traffic accident hot spots in North Dakota counties. The research analyzes 37 years (1975–2011) of fatality crash data available from a U.S. National Highway... In this paper, rural and small urban transit agencies are classified into peer groups using hierarchical cluster analysis and data from the Rural National Transit Database (Rural NTD). The objective is to provide a basis for the comparison of individual agency to peer group performance as well as econometric... The information needed to plan and operate transit services for people with disabilities is little known to transit agencies and also difficult to obtain. This report is based on a study that was undertaken to determine the travel patterns and transportation needs of people with disabilities, and also...