Research Reports Filter by Keyword6 report(s) found with bridge management systems in the keywords field 1 - 6 of 6 The condition of concrete on bridge decks is one of the most costly parts of Wyoming Department of Transportation's budget and the cost of maintenance can result in inadequate roads or costly premature repairs. This proposal evaluates critical factors relating to early age shrinkage and proposes combining... Over the last two decades many researchers have focused on providing new ideas and frameworks that can help improve conventional bridge inspection practices; however, little guidance is provided for implementing these new ideas in practice. This, along with resistance to change and complexity of the... Bridge inspection data is an essential step in the bridge asset management operation and the bridge management system. As such, a reliability-based, holistic framework was proposed to effectively collect reliable data and perform data fusion and information fusion of sensory data used for element-level... National Bridge Inspection Standards do not require documenting damage location during an inspection but bridge evaluation provisions highlight the importance of location to determining the structural impact of damage. Capturing damage location information using current inspection and documentation methods... In 1991 federal transportation legislation, Congress mandated that state DOT's develop and implement comprehensive bridge management systems (BMS). Related to this, a rigorous BMS software package, PONTIS, was developed via federal contracting to industry. The objective of this project is to provide local transportation officials with the information required to make sound decisions on the management of the bridges within their jurisdiction. Automated procedures were developed to prioritize the required maintenance, rehabilitation, or replacement (MR&R)...