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24 report(s) found with benefit cost analysis in the keywords field
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This paper examines the desirability, feasibility, and cost of incorporating a detailed community impact assessment process in the existing railroad benefit-cost procedure. In this study, a range of community impact assessment techniques and procedures are reviewed, and their relevance to North Dakota...

The purpose of this paper is to highlight the scope, functions, and history of the rail analysis process, and to describe two technical publications which detail the methodology and data requirements.

The line was analyzed using a new short line benefit-cost procedure developed at the Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute. The project is actually part of a series of capital projects on the line. The overall benefit-cost ratio for the projects is 14:3. The outlay will be paid back on the basis...

This report presents a technical description of the North Dakota Line-Segment Analytical Model (NOLAM) - a model developed to analyze the benefits and costs associated with rehabilitation of line-segments within the state.

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