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24 report(s) found with benefit cost analysis in the keywords field
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Railroad accidents can cause economic harm that extends far beyond their own financial losses. As one of the most efficient modes of long-distance freight transportation, losses in line capacity and cargo due to accidents can disrupt the supply chain and lead to commodity shortages everywhere. Therefore...

The number of Americans age 65 and older is projected to nearly double from 52 million in 2018 to 95 million by 2060, and the 65-and-older age group's share of the total population will rise from 16% to 23% (US Census 2018). Also, average U.S. life expectancy increased from 68 years in 1950 to 78.6 years...

The objective of this research was to measure the benefits of rural and small urban transit services in Minnesota. The study accomplished this by first identifying, describing, and classifying the potential benefits of transit. Second, a method was developed for measuring these benefits. Where possible...

This study focuses on the qualitative and quantitative benefits of small urban and rural public transit systems in the United States. First, a thorough review of previous literature is presented. Then, a framework is developed which focuses on three main areas of transit benefits most relevant to rural...

A survey was conducted of small urban and rural transit agencies regarding their use of alternative fuels and hybrid vehicles. Responses were received from 115 transit providers across the country, including 31 that use biodiesel, eight that use E85, 10 that use compressed natural gas (CNG), four that...

This study analyzes economies of scale and density as a rationale for subsidizing transit agencies in small urban areas. A long-run cost model is estimated using data from 2006 to 2009 for 168 transit agencies that directly operated fixed-route bus service in small urban areas. Using vehicle revenue...

Each year there are more than 16,000 motor vehicle crashes (MVCs) on North Dakota roadways, resulting in more than 2,900 injuries and 107 fatalities. Understanding the economic impacts of these MVCs is important in discerning impacts of road investments, behaviors, and policy changes that affect public...

The North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT) has installed two fixed automated spray technology (FAST) systems. One system is installed at the Interstate 29 (I-29) Buxton Bridge (near Buxton, ND), while the second installation is at the Interstate 94 (I-94) Red River Bridge between Fargo, ND...

This study provides an overview of alternative fuel use and potential in the Mountain Plains Region (MPR) as well as a benefit/cost analysis of switching from traditional to alternative fuels (such as ethanol and biodiesel) for a specific university in the region. The study analyzes users that would...

The North Dakota legislature recently passed a law to exempt the state's agricultural truck fleet from a requirement for rear-guard equipment as federally mandated large trucks. This analysis presents the public safety benefit-cost assessment of the device in terms of crash injury severity associated...

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NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050