Research Reports Filter by Keyword12 report(s) found with before and after studies in the keywords field NDDOT requested the Advanced Traffic Analysis Center (ATAC) to conduct before-and-after spot speed studies at three locations along US 85/ND 200. One study was conducted at each of the locations with both northbound/westbound and southbound/eastbound directions of travel observed. Two years later, another... An evaluation of CRCP was conducted in order to determine the extent of possible corrosion of CRCP on selected interstates in South Dakota. General observations showed there were sections of severe and localized reinforcement corrosion at some crack locations. Crack mapping, chloride tests profiles... The 24/7 Sobriety Program is an intervention strategy mandating that impaired driving offenders remain sober as a condition of bond or pre-trial release. The goal is to monitor the most at-risk offenders in North Dakota and require that these individuals remain sober in order to keep roadways safe from... The 24/7 Sobriety Program is an intervention strategy mandating that impaired driving offenders remain sober as a condition of bond or pre-trial release. The goal is to monitor the most at-risk offenders in North Dakota and require that these individuals remain sober in order to keep roadways safe from... As the population grows and travel demands increase, alternative interchange designs have become increasingly popular. The diverging diamond interchange is an alternative design that has been implemented in the United States. This design can accommodate higher and unbalanced flow and improve safety at... The 24/7 Sobriety Program is an intervention strategy mandating that impaired driving offenders remain sober as a condition of bond or pre-trial release. The goal is to monitor the most at-risk offenders in North Dakota and require that these individuals remain sober in order to keep roadways safe from... This study investigates the effectiveness of the Great Rides Bike Share program that was launched in 2015 in the small urban area of Fargo, North Dakota. Eleven bike share stations were installed in Fargo with 101 bikes. Stations were primarily concentrated on the North Dakota State University (NDSU)... Rumble strips and rumble stripes are a recommended strategy for crash reduction. The North Dakota Department of Transportation initiated rumble strip use in the 1970s and greatly expanded application of rumble stripes through a statewide initiative in recent years. This study of four intervention and... Seat belt use is an important aspect in the safety of newly licensed teen drivers. Yet, crash statistics suggest that belt use rates are well-below the desired 100 percent rate. Belts were used by only 73 percent of teen drivers in injury crashes on rural Cass county roads during recent years. Educating... Animal-vehicle crashes are a concern for many areas of the country but are a particular concern for rural areas such as Wyoming. While there is considerable literature available on the effectiveness of various animal-vehicle countermeasures, such as fencing and signing, there is currently little quantifiable...