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3 report(s) found with alkali silica reactions in the keywords field
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This report presents a comparative experimental study on the axial behavior of concrete subjected to alkali-silica reaction (ASR) with and without confinement by carbon-fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets. A total of 120 cylinders are cast using two types of coarse aggregates to represent variable...

The Rocky Mountain Region has experienced considerable difficulty because of alkali-silica reaction (ASR) in concrete construction. Wyoming Department of Transportation was successful in using recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) on Interstate I-80 with limited ASR damage. Reusing concrete from demolition...

Two interlaboratory studies were performed utilizing recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) in accordance with ASTM C1260 Accelerated Mortar Bar Test (AMBT) in addition to the previous study documented in Adams et al. 2013. The first round of testing utilized a non-laboratory created RCA and the second evaluated...

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