Research Reports Filter by Keyword21 report(s) found with algorithms in the keywords field Connected and Autonomous Vehicle (CAV) technologies enable communication among vehicles, and vehicles and infrastructure, paving the way for multiple safety and operational applications. This research developed and tested traffic signal control algorithms and control programs, which utilized CAV-equipped... This research seeks to develop an infrastructure safety support system by embedding V2I enabled sensor networks into the transportation infrastructure to provide autonomous vehicles and human drivers with inputs to improve their decision making when obvious decisions may not possible. A new car-following... Snowplow trucks serve a crucial role in winter maintenance activities by removing, loading, and disposing of snow. An effective performance monitoring and analysis process can assist transportation agencies in effectively managing the snowplow trucks and maintaining normal functioning of roadways. Previous... The existing online mapping systems process many user route queries simultaneously, yet solve each independently, using typical route guidance solutions. These route recommendations are presented as optimal, but often this is not truly the case, due to the effects of competition users experience over... A high-dimensional clustering-based sampling method for roadway asset condition inspection is proposed in this study. The method complements existing literature by selecting sample roadway segments that contain multiple types of assets (e.g., signage, shoulder work, pavement marking, etc.) for the accurate... Federal track safety regulations require railroads to inspect all tracks in operation as often as twice weekly. Railroad companies deploy expensive and relatively slow methods using human inspectors and expensive automated inspection vehicles to inspect and monitor their rail tracks. The current practices... Highway project selection and scheduling are traditionally treated as two separate problems in the literature. It is critical to investigate how to select and schedule M&R projects in a way that can maximize their benefit or effectiveness while minimizing the traffic impacts of work zones across project... The highway-rail crossing accident has been long recognized as a priority safety concern for worldwide rail industries and researchers because traffic crashes at highway-rail crossings are often catastrophic with serious consequences, which include fatalities, injuries, extensive property damage, and... Highway assets, including traffic signs, traffic signals, light poles, and guardrails, are important components of transportation networks. They guide, warn, and protect drivers and regulate traffic. To manage and maintain the regular operation of the highway system, state departments of transportation... Ductile fracture has been identified as the predominant mode of failure for structural elements under extreme loads and the prediction of such represents considerable challenges. Until recently, ductile fracture of metals has been recognized to be dependent on both stress triaxiality and Lode angle parameter....