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RTSSC Research Reports
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4 report(s) found with age groups in the keywords field
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The rise of ride-sourcing services such as Uber and Lyft in recent years has revolutionized urban transportation across the globe. With the increased popularity of these services came negative impacts on industries such as taxi cab and public transit services. In an era when ride-sourcing companies are...


This report gives a summary of the current state of alcohol-impaired driving and countermeasures in the United States and individual states, including North Dakota.


Traffic crashes stem from a variety of underlying causes. Too often, the cause is risky driving whether it is speeding, running a red light, or driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. These risk factors have all been associated with increased risk of crashes. The goal of our work is to consider...


For North Dakota teens, three of every four deaths are from motor vehicle crashes. Injury crash records for teen drivers were studied to gain insight regarding driver, vehicle, and road factors for public safety policy and program discussions. Results show 14-year-old drivers are three times more likely...

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050