Research Reports Filter by Keyword207 report(s) found with age in the keywords field Intelligent transportation system (ITS) applications have been widely applied to the highway system, and are being used by an increasing number of small urban and rural transit systems throughout the United States. The objectives of this study were to first, identify what technologies are currently used... Calcium sulfoaluminate (CSA) cement was used to cast a prestressed voided deck slab bridge girder. The rapid-set properties of CSA cement allowed the initial concrete strength to reach the required 4300 psi needed in order to cut the prestressing strands 6.5 hours after casting. Prestress losses were... Bridge inspection data is an essential step in the bridge asset management operation and the bridge management system. As such, a reliability-based, holistic framework was proposed to effectively collect reliable data and perform data fusion and information fusion of sensory data used for element-level... Advances in electronics, wireless technologies, and mobile applications on smartphones have contributed to the tremendous growth of shared-use mobility (SUM) practices and Americans have embraced these new mobility options which are flexible, convenient, and affordable. Recognizing that technology enabled... While the automobile industry is rapidly transitioning towards automation, the transit industry in the United States has recently begun investigating automation in transit operations. Multiple U.S. transit agencies have been experimenting with various automation technologies in transit vehicles. Examples... In Wyoming, most county paved roads were built decades ago without following minimum design standards. However, the recent increase in industrial/mineral activities in the state requires developing an efficient pavement management system (PMS) for local paved roads. The new PMS which is currently being... This study is part of a multiple year study conducted at the University of Wyoming to assess the effectiveness of dust suppressant treatments on gravel roads. The multiple year study was conducted to assist the Wyoming Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration optimize the use... A high-dimensional clustering-based sampling method for roadway asset condition inspection is proposed in this study. The method complements existing literature by selecting sample roadway segments that contain multiple types of assets (e.g., signage, shoulder work, pavement marking, etc.) for the accurate... Ride-haling such as Uber and Lyft is changing the way people travel and is critical to forecasting mode choice demands and providing adequate infrastructure. Despite widespread claims that these services help reduce driving and the need for parking, little research exists on these topics. This research... Highway project selection and scheduling are traditionally treated as two separate problems in the literature. It is critical to investigate how to select and schedule M&R projects in a way that can maximize their benefit or effectiveness while minimizing the traffic impacts of work zones across project...