Research Reports Filter by Author26 report(s) found for Frank J. Dooley The purpose of this report is to describe the R-1 database and a series of programs written to manipulate the data files. These programs were used in a recent research project to generate a time-series database of railroad expense, investment, and operating data. The time-series database was used to... Economic development efforts are addressed as "family of services" to prospective businesses. There is some uncertainty if transportation/logistics should be considered as a factor within the family of services. The overall goal of this study was to develop a better understanding of the relationship... This report examines the firm decisions to enter markets under conditions of joint production and entry regulation. This paper examines the desirability, feasibility, and cost of incorporating a detailed community impact assessment process in the existing railroad benefit-cost procedure. In this study, a range of community impact assessment techniques and procedures are reviewed, and their relevance to North Dakota... The objective of this report is to provide baseline information about the composition of the TRF membership and their attitudes about TRF services and costs. In order, services were ranked in the Journal of Transportation Research Forum, membership directory, annual meeting, newsletter, and chapter services. The overall objective was to determine the extent that economies of size and density are available to short line railroads. Size economies are limited for short line railroads. For example, doubling the size of the network (from 56 to 129 miles) decreases costs by only 6.9 percent. The elasticity of... The objective of this report is to provide information highlighting the differences between Class I and short line rail labor. Primary data was collected from 48 short line railroads. In addition to various railroad characteristics, information was obtained about employment levels, job classifications... The overall purpose of this report is to objectively and quantitatively assess the potential impact that short line operations have upon service levels to grain shippers. Specifically, the first goal is to ascertain whether creating short line railroads has resulted in improvement or decline in the quality... Trainload shipments of grain by elevators substantially reduce their transportation costs. However, many elevators must make investments upgrading their plant before they can ship in trainload movements. In this report, a logit model is developed which considers the investment decision for particular... The overall objective of this report is to assist grain trucking firms manage their backhaul opportunities. The specific objectives of this report are to: 1) identify and define the industry backhaul characteristics of North Dakota grain truckers; 2) determine and describe what methods are being used...