MPC Research Reports Filter by Author7 report(s) found for Caroline M. Clevenger 1 - 7 of 7 This report investigates the application of low-cost sensing technologies, including GPS, accelerometers, and smartphones, to monitor roadway pavement conditions in real time. By leveraging widely available sensors embedded in vehicles, this research demonstrates how machine learning models can detect... Construction projects require long hours where workers are subjected to intensive tasks such as hard manual labor, heavy lifting, and constrained working postures. Among the physiological metrics, heart rate (HR) is reported to be a good indicator of physical stress and workload. HR forecasting models... The transportation sector in the United States is currently dealing with several challenges, such as greenhouse gas (GHG) and air pollution emission increases, parking facility costs, congestion, and energy consumption. The present report focuses on the development of an innovative multi-business commute... Mitigating traffic congestion and reducing transportation emissions are among the leading goals of most local, regional, national, and international agencies. Several guidelines rely primarily on strategies that support the following: 1) mixed land-use and transit-oriented developments, 2) multimodal... National Bridge Inspection Standards do not require documenting damage location during an inspection but bridge evaluation provisions highlight the importance of location to determining the structural impact of damage. Capturing damage location information using current inspection and documentation methods... To date, BIM (Building Information Modeling) is not widely utilized in infrastructure asset management. Benefits achieved through implementation in vertical construction, however, suggest that BIM represents significant opportunity for gains in process, material, and economic efficiency throughout infrastructure... This thesis presents a four-step framework that identifies the most important capabilities in a TSRS as preferred by a state DOT and then facilitates weighting of those capabilities via a well-established methodology, the Analytical Hierarchy Process. The thesis also presents the implementation of this...