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5 report(s) found for Richard J. Porter
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Maintenance costs, while significant throughout the life-cycle of a project, may sometimes not receive full consideration as inputs to design decisions. In Phase I, this project identified research priorities in coordination with the technical advisory committee (TAC) after recommendations were formulated...

Federal and state transportation agencies set goals related to surface transportation system performance. The variability in factors influencing design criteria (e.g., driver performance, road conditions, and vehicle performance) is often large and is addressed implicitly by using "conservative" values....

In recent years, Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) systems have been gaining increasing popularity because of their effectiveness in improving urban mobility. The Utah Transit Authority (UTA) is the primary public transit provider in Salt Lake City and has implemented a 10.8-mile BRT route along 3500/3300 South...

The First Mile Last Mile (FMLM) challenge garners significant attention as a means to assess the accessibility of the first leg to transit and the last leg from public transit. As a critical barrier to public transit accessibility, the challenge provides many opportunities to closely analyze conditions...

This research compares safety, measured by expected crash frequency and severity, on road segments where design exceptions were approved and constructed to similar road segments where no design exceptions were approved or constructed. Data were collected for design exceptions in Utah in the years 2001...

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