Research Reports Filter by Author43 report(s) found for John Bitzan A basic understanding of industrial organization is essential for students and practitioners in the field of transportation. Understanding issues related to transportation regulation, transportation firm behavior, and transportation sector performance will contribute to prudent decisionmaking by transportation... No performance evaluation guidebook existed for rural and small urban transit systems. Therefore, this guidebook is designed to provide transit operators with a tool for evaluating their system's performance. Each transit operator can measure their system's performance against other similar systems in... This paper attempts to improve on the rail rate estimation employed by McFarland, while also measuring the impact of deregulation on rail profitability. This study examines consolidation of road services by local governments, and explores the optimal mix of roads for rural counties. A methodology for measuring economies in the provision of local road services is presented. This methodology is unique in two ways; 1) it better accounts for relevant variables... The primary purpose of this study is to develop a research agenda which provides solutions to the problems experienced by rural transit operations in the Mountain-Plains Region. In order to achieve this, the specific objectives of this study are to: (1) examine factors that make rural transit unique... This paper examines the desirability, feasibility, and cost of incorporating a detailed community impact assessment process in the existing railroad benefit-cost procedure. In this study, a range of community impact assessment techniques and procedures are reviewed, and their relevance to North Dakota... The last comprehensive North Dakota rail plan was developed in 1982. Since then, the characteristics and ownership of many of the state's branch lines have changed. The purpose of this study is to develop current information and trend data for North Dakota branch lines, and to discuss some of the issues... The purpose of the appendix is to highlight trends and data that reflect the authors' opinions regarding the potential viability of individual rail lines. The goal of the research project is to describe barley markets (particularly non-traditional markets) and inter-regional railroad flows over time. The purpose of this study is to evaluate eight of the 23 existing Section 18 projects in North Dakota. Each of the eight systems will be evaluated in terms of their effectiveness and efficiency. Two of the objectives of the evaluation are to identify areas where efficiency or effectiveness could be improved...