Research Reports Filter by Author8 report(s) found for Dustin Ulmer 1 - 8 of 8 The Metropolitan Area Transit System (MAT) is the public bus system for the cities of Fargo, Moorhead, and West Fargo. The city of Fargo wants to better understand rider's satisfaction with the Metropolitan Area Transit system's current bus service. The Fargo/West Fargo portion of Metropolitan Area... Clay County Rural Transit (CCRT) is considering the implementation of an express bus system to serve commuters between the Wahpeton-Breckenridge and Fargo-Moorhead metro areas, a 55-mile trip. CCRT runs a similar service between Detroit Lakes, Barnesville, and Fargo-Moorhead. The bus would stop at designated... A survey was conducted of students attending Concordia College, in Moorhead, Minnesota. The survey sought to determine the transit needs of the students. Results are divided among the following topics: Mobility of Concordia Students; Movement Demands of Campus Students; Student Perceptions of MAT Services... A survey was conducted of students attending Minnesota State University Moorhead (MSUM), Minnesota. The survey sought to determine the transit needs of the students. Results are divided among the following topics: Mobility of MSUM Students; Movement Demands of Campus Students; Student Perceptions of... A survey was conducted of students attending North Dakota State University (NDSU). The survey sought to determine the transit needs of the students. Results are divided among the following topics: Mobility of NDSU Students; Movement Demands of Campus Students; Student Perceptions of MAT Services; Student... The 2005 campus transit survey received responses from 1,380 students enrolled at North Dakota State University, Minnesota State University-Moorhead, and Concordia College. The data provides insight into campus transportation use and other transit related issues. Survey topics included the mobility demands... University campuses have unique transportation requirements that may be characterized with a high concentration of trips during multiple peak periods (i.e., morning, lunch, and afternoon). They are often the largest employers in small-to-medium size cities and it is critical to coordinate campus mobility... James River Transit is a paratransit system serving the Jamestown community. It provided 50,180 one-way rides in 2000 and 45,100 one-way rides in 2001 while traveling 130,476 miles and 129,118 miles for those years, respectively. The system operates seven days per week and its ridership may warrant some...