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25 report(s) found for Julie Rodriguez
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This analysis is primarily focused on the materials management issues associated with the procurement of wheat straw for a processing plant in Pickert, North Dakota.


The purpose of this paper is two-fold: 1) to develop a conceptual framework which provides a pragmatic justification for being concerned about job satisfaction from a business perspective; and 2) present some empirical evidence resulting from a national study of drivers conducted at the Upper Great Plains...


The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships between career stage, time spent on the road, and driver work-related attitudes. Three phenomena make the study of truck driver attitudes salient to carriers and shippers. First, turnover among truck drivers has traditionally been very high. Research...


This paper examines the results of a 1990 study conducted to determine what contributes and detracts from job satisfaction for drivers as a means of addressing the driver turnover/retention issue. A total of 3,910 drivers responded to a 20-page, 68-question survey resulting in a 34 percent response rate....


This study was conducted in an effort to add knowledge to the issue of hours of service rules that regulate commercial truck drivers. Drivers, carriers, and society in general would appear to experience positive net gains from a change in the cumulative hours of service rules from the current 70-in-8...


Trucking firms who rely on owner-operators to any significant extent will not achieve an advantage in a highly competitive industry if they do not understand their partners. But understanding them is only the first step in creating a competitive advantage. This understanding must be translated into a...


This study seeks to provide truckload carrier management information to improve their human resource management strategies. It has been shown that job satisfaction is related to turnover, and turnover results in increased costs for the firm. Thus, this study seeks to lower carrier costs by focusing on...


The information contained in this report was gathered in February 1991. The data reported represent policies that were current as of the date of the survey. Several companies were in the process of modifying their compensation policies.


This study looks at drivers' opinions about specific areas of their work and how important these areas are to their job satisfaction. Management's perceptions are compared to drivers' opinions. Job satisfaction is theoretically linked to driver productivity, turnover, new entrants, and few drivers exiting...


This is the first time a directory of this type has been published by the Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute. It is being published in an attempt to fill many needs. Shippers can use it to determine what their choices are in the market. The motor carrier industry can use it to track service...

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