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30 report(s) found for Dennis Ming
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The deregulatory environment has brought with it an undeniable amount of uncertainty. No longer are inflationary cost indexes the primary price-setting factor. Instead, airlines must now set fares subject to industry competition. The effectiveness of various airline pricing strategies will depend on...

This report presents the grain drawing capabilities and plant upgrade analysis of the Mooreton-Dwight Cooperative.

The analyses that follow are concerned with four investment alternatives: 1) purchase of tractor/trailer rig; 2) lease of tractor/trailer rig; 3) purchase of jumbo covered hopper car; and 4) lease of jumbo covered hopper car.

This report is a synopsis of North Dakota grain production and marketing patterns, as well as how rail line abandonment affects local grain shipments and prices.

The main objective of this study is to present an overview of grain procuring, handling, transportation, and selling as it pertains to North Dakota. Specific objectives are to: 1) examine the concept of shipping grain in multiple car units; 2) describe various marketing alternatives available to country...

The purpose of this paper is to profile jumbo covered hopper car leasing by country grain merchandising firms in North Dakota. Costs and utilization of leasing hopper cars are detailed. In addition, a model is developed for comparing the lease/purchase decision.

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effect of market trade area size on costs of alternative grain elevator systems in North Dakota. In addition, marketing densities, which directly affect size of trade area, will be examined.

This paper theoretically analyzes Burlington Northern's proposed policy on reducing the number of privately owned covered hopper cars operating on its trackage.

The main objective of this study is to examine the use of leased and privately-owned covered hopper cars by grain elevators in North Dakota. Specific objectives are to: 1) describe rail car leasing authority; 2) evaluate the utilization of leased hopper cars; and 3) compare the economics of leasing versus...

This report represents a continuation of analyses concerned with the patterns and methods of distributing grain from North Dakota. The collection and compilation of this type of data began in 1956-57. The objective of this report, like prior reports, is to provide the necessary data base for identifying...

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