Research Reports Filter by Author34 report(s) found for Peter T. Martin Video detection systems have replaced the industry's standard inductive loops because they are easy to install, have flexible applications and their maintenance is cost-effective. These systems involve positioning cameras above traffic to capture images of passing vehicle. These images are analyzed by... Congestion in Salt Lake City is showing an increasing trend and, as congestion reaches higher levels, benefits of the HOV lanes will also increase. It needs to be determined whether the Salt Lake Valley HOV lanes are performing effectively in terms of travel time benefits, safety and the ability to carry... This paper reports on a two-year study evaluating HOV lane performance. The analysis assesses the freeway operations before the HOV lanes opened with continued assessment throughout the first year of operation. It looks at automatic data from traffic monitoring stations and manual data from roadside... Traffic Monitoring Stations are a component of the ATMS. TMS collect traffic volumes, speed and density from the Interstate system. These devices are located each one-half mile, on each lane, of the interstate system in the Salt Lake Valley. Presently UDOT does not collect or store this information.... This paper evaluates detector technologies under a variety of criteria and provides user guidelines for detector technology selection. Information for the project came from applications of detector technologies, detector technology development, user manuals about specific detector devices, detector field-testing... UTL compared the intersections with an Advanced Warning System (AWS) to an intersection without AWS. They found that the AWS in St. George was not effective in reducing the number of drivers in DZs. Although 90% of drivers responded positively by reducing their speed when the signal was flashing, most... Sophisticated microsimulation models, such as MITSIM, INTEGRATION and WATSIM are useful tools to test the potential impact of new ITS technologies, such as route diversion variable message signs, in-vehicle drive alarms, and weather sensitive speed advisory signs. Once implemented, the modeling should... Increasing traffic congestion is a constant source of frustration, time loss, and expense to users and managers of transportation systems. Cities, counties, and state transportation agencies are persistently searching for ways to mitigate urban traffic congestion, while minimizing costs and maintenance... This research focuses on real-time congestion monitoring, a unique direction, as most other cities focus solely on freeway operations as they are easier to monitor. Once surface street congestion is monitored successfully, recurring problematic locations can be identified, and solutions can be developed... This research examines a range of incident detection technologies to determine a recommended combination of approaches for use in the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS). The technologies that were examined are computer-based Automatic Incident Detection...