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34 report(s) found for Peter T. Martin
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This paper is a summary of work performed by the Utah Traffic Lab (UTL) to develop training programs for the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) Traffic Operations Center (TOC) operators at both the basic and advanced levels. The basic training is designed to train operators in the basic knowledge...

With ever-increasing traffic demand and price of fossil fuels public transit becomes more popular transportation mode than ever before, especially in the fast growing regions such as Salt Lake City Metropolitan Region. Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC) (a local Metropolitan Planning Organization)...

Traffic Monitoring Stations on Interstate 15 in Utah's Salt Lake City metropolitan region are placed at approximately 0.5 mile spacing. It is time to replace and upgrade the detectors that constitute these Traffic Monitoring Stations. The 0.5 mile spacing owes little to logical design. Where the new...

Innovative lane management offers the opportunity to levy fees for the premium road space. Express Lanes in Utah offer road users reduced journey times for a fee. The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) has converted the High Occupancy-Vehicle (HOV) lanes on Interstate 15 (I-15) from 600 North Street...

In 2005, the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) installed the Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System (SCATS) in Park City, Utah, on its network of 14 signalized intersections. A field evaluation compared previous time-of-day actuated-coordinated signal timings with those dynamically computed...

This paper evaluates the impact of various I-15 reconstruction closure scenarios on the travelers in the Ogden area. The purpose of the research was to investigate the impact of the scenarios and facilitate decisions about future maintenance of traffic during the reconstruction.

This paper presents preliminary results of the VISUM Online validation. It compares traffic conditions estimated by VISUM Online to measured data. The results show that VISUM Online produces comparable traffic measures.

This research evaluates the effectiveness of the future Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) adaptive signal control system on the arterial street network in Park City, Utah, that experiences both everyday and unpredictable changes in traffic flow. This report contains the planned methodology for...

This report details the findings of a study on the Utah Department of Transportation's (UDOT's) Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS's). The purpose of the study was to determine the public's awareness and use of four main ATIS's, namely variable message signs (VMS), highway advisory radio (HAR)...

This study reports on the performance of the extended HOV lines. Vehicle volume, average vehicle occupancy (AVO), modal split, person throughput, and violation rate were collected manually. Travel time and speed data were collected using the floating car method and global positioning system (GPS) software....

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