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51 report(s) found for Jill Hough
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The Federal Transit Administration and its partners have worked to build a transportation coordination infrastructure to improve community mobility. Recent efforts at coordinating human services transportation have focused on mobility management, emphasizing the needs of customers and using the assets...

This study is an attempt to empirically measure livability to emphasize its role in community livability. Establishing these measures would enhance the practice and implementation of livability principles by various practitioners in the transit industry. This is in view of the difficulties faced in the...

The study involved collecting and reporting information on the travel behavior of UND students; collecting and reporting information on their preferences and attitudes toward campus shuttle services; analyzing shuttle service passenger trip data; evaluating existing shuttle services; and providing both...

Mobility is fundamental for people to live full and satisfying lives in their communities. For adults with disabilities, access to community transportation is often limited. The objectives for this study are to obtain a current and accurate description of existing and needed community transportation...

Students at three institutions of higher learning in the upper Midwest were surveyed to identify attitudes and behaviors that impact their choice of academic major, internship, and career, as well as perceptions of internships and careers in public transportation, and use of job search methods. Fifteen...

With higher fuel costs and changing economic conditions, travel behavior and the level and allocation of resources in highways, rail, air, and transit service in rural areas, may be changing. The objective of this study is to determine the attitude of would-be passengers in their choice of mode and the...

A three-wave longitudinal survey of a cohort of North Dakota State University (NDSU) students who matriculated in the fall of 2005 was conducted to investigate changing attitudes and travel behaviors. The longitudinal framework allowed for investigation of individual as opposed to group changes in behavior....

Understanding the attitudes and perceptions of a community's members towards public transportation is valuable when designing and delivering service. In this paper, the design and descriptive statistics for the first two waves of a longitudinal study of students enrolled at North Dakota State University...

In this paper existing urban-rural classifications are evaluated to determine their ability to appropriately delineate differences among geographic areas as they relate to personal mobility need and transportation service availability with emphasis placed on the definitional boundary between urban, small...

Mobility for the aging is a topic of paramount importance around the world. Women may face the greatest mobility challenges because of their tendency to live longer than men, to have more health-related problems than men, and to stop driving earlier than men. Therefore, it is important to better understand...

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