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Project Details

Title:Assessment of MCSAP's Research & Development Efforts
Principal Investigators:Brenda Lantz
End Date:August 1997


In this study, the UGPTI will assess the effectiveness of the research and development component of the Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP). This assessment will be conducted in two parts. Phase I will focus on how effective the results of projects conducted since 1991 using MCSAP funds were, and how well these results were disseminated. In Phase II, a plan for effectively disseminating future research results will be developed.

As part of this study, a comprehensive list of projects was compiled from information provided to the Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute by the Office of Motor Carriers (OMC) and obtained from the MCSAP (Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program) Reports on New Enforcement Technologies and Strategies. All projects completed or in progress since Fiscal Year 1992 were included regardless of funding.

A State OMC contact was identified for each project. The list of projects was then sorted by state and this list was sent to the respective identified contact along with a cover letter explaining the project. Those states with no identified projects were sent a similar letter simply to verify that they indeed were not responsible for any projects.

Two weeks after the letter and lists of projects were sent out, each state (or jurisdiction) was contacted by phone to determine if they could provide the required information. If the state was able to provide the information, they were faxed a questionnaire to complete for each project. If the state identified a different contact person, that person was contacted for the required information.

A list of projects was identified via returned surveys from over 30 states. Simply click on the title of the project for more information. If you would like to submit information regarding a motor-carrier project, please email Brenda Lantz at brenda.lantz@ndsu.edu.

Project Deliverables

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050